Exercise Physiology Consultations
Assessment and subsequent consultations with an exercise physiologist for the management of a chronic disease, illness, injury or support for specific physical activity goals.

Physiotherapy Consultations
Assessment and subsequent consultations with a physiotherapist to the diagnosis or treatment of an acute or chronic injury.
Semi Private Classes
Individualised and tailored exercise programs in a semi-private class. With a maximum of 4 people per clinician, everyone is provided with their own customised exercise session.
Small Group Exercise Classes
These classes are perfect for those wanting to improve or maintain their strength, fitness and overall health and wellbeing. With a max of 8 people per class, suitable for all ages and abiltiies
Online Classes and Memberships
Live and on demand online classes run through zoom weekly (pilates, strength, HIIT and stretch classes), suitable for beginners to the advanced! Online class library available for online members.
Exercise Oncology
The experts in exercise prescription for cancer survivors. From diagnosis, throughout the active treatment phase as well as into survivorship, we specialise in providing tailored treatment plans.
Women’s Health
Some of our exercise physiologists have a particular passion for women’s health conditions – anything from chronic health conditions, training around your hormones or pregnancy and post natal exercise!

Athletes and Sports performance
Pilates for athletes…we’re a little biased but no better injury prevention out there. Wanting help with your gym program and lifting? We can help with that too!